If you missed out on these games back in the day, or just never got to check them out, be sure to get over to Dtoid. If I somehow manage to finish the game, or, more realistically get frustrated by my failures, and am dying to move onto something else, I have a couple backups ready to go that perfectly fit the theme for the evening: Cobra Command and Road Avenger. Honestly though, I haven’t played this in forever, so expect deaths - lots and lots of crazy cinematic deaths - as I attempt to travel time, and, erm, do whatever it is exactly that Time Gal is trying to do. Call me crazy, but this game was one of my absolute favorites back in the day, and I can’t wait to dive back in.
Call me crazy, but this game was one of my absolute favorites back in the day. Tonight’s feature is the awesomely quirky and wild Sega CD title, Time Gal. Actually I did an arcade remaster also of DL Time Warp taking the footage from the Blueray disc. Tonights feature is the awesomely quirky and wild Sega CD title, Time Gal. Welcome back to the wonderful world of WTF Wednesday on Mash Tactics. Time Gal: a LaserDisc port for Amiga This is the LaserDisc classic: Time Gal, ported for the first time to Amiga from the arcade original, in its entirety Luda, a criminal from the distant future, has stolen a time machine to reshape the past.